3 Ways To Challenge Yourself More
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It’s through challenges that you can grow as a person, developing your skills, becoming emotionally resilient and learning exactly who you are. Sometimes, life throws us these challenges anyway – you may become ill, need a major operation or experience something like redundancy, the break-up of a serious relationship or even losing a loved one. These circumstances are truly awful and have the capacity to completely derail us if we don’t manage them correctly. Then there are the challenges we want to set ourselves – sometimes as a reaction to an event in our lives or simply because of a feeling that we need to do and become more. This could be fitness, travel or learning a new skill. In this mood, you might start to think about challenges that you can do to raise money for charity, or start wondering what is the Lands End to John O’Groats distance? Not every new challenge has to be dramatic – the point is to learn something new and step out of your comfort zone occasionally.
Sign Up For Online Learning
These days, there really is a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips, and learning a valuable new skill doesn’t have to mean quitting your job and going back to full time study. Almost any course that you want to do – from informal training in soft skills like time management to something more formal like an online MBA degree – can be done through distance learning, where lectures, tutorials and sometimes even assessments are held online. This has opened up a world of knowledge to people who have to fit studying around other commitments, such as caring for loved ones, or a full-time job. Learning is a surefire way to challenge yourself, expand your mind and gain amazing new skills which can help you to achieve life goals, such as getting a promotion or perhaps setting up your own business.
Find A Volunteering Opportunity
Volunteering exposes us to things that we may never have encountered before in our daily lives. It can help us feel connected to a sense of purpose and a community that is bigger than ourselves, and also give us plenty of new skills, such as event organising, that we may not have tried in the course of our regular lives. It’s also a great way to meet other people who have a similar passion for changing the world. To find a volunteering opportunity is easy – whether you can only spare a few hours a week or you’re looking to combine volunteer work with travelling, there will be an adventure to suit you and allow you to give back while challenging yourself.
Learn A New Language
The world opens up when we take the time to learn a new language, and if the last time you tried out some French or Spanish was in school, then it will certainly be a challenge. There are so many language learning apps out there now which make it easy to do – you can listen to the lessons on your daily commute, or while tackling jobs around the house. It can even become a skill that helps you to set up an additional income – if you get good enough, to can offer to tutor others and gain some extra cash.
What will you do this year to challenge yourself?
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