10 Warning Signs You Need To Take Care Of Your Mental Health.
Have you ever heard of the story of the frog in hot water? You know that if you dip your foot in a hot bath it’ll be an instinct to withdraw your foot quickly and say ‘ouch’, right? Well, if…
6 Tricks To Help You Save Money When Living In New York City
Collaboration. When living in a large city, you’re likely aware of how much higher the cost of living is. If you’re one of my readers lucky enough to live in the city that never sleeps, you’ll know that New York…
Parties, presents and a Wicked Uncle – AD
When my kids started school I worried a LOT. What if they – didn’t fit in? – didn’t make friends? – couldn’t do the work? – were criers? – missed me? So many what ifs. As it turned out, I…
9 Secrets to Keep You Looking and Feeling Young
Eternal youth and beauty is a dream that a lot of us have. When you’re young, you take your smooth skin, silky hair and bright eyes for granted; in fact, you hardly even notice them. But getting older is just…
5 Common Hazards In the Home and How To Avoid Them
While many of us consider our homes to be one of the safest places we can be. The truth is, our home has just as many hazards as anywhere else. We spend a lot of time in our homes, so…
Time To Grow Up?
As I sit here with my bright red hair in space buns and planning my next tattoo I sometimes wonder if it’s time to grow up. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those middle aged women out clubbing…