Day Trips & Travel

The Best European Holiday Destinations – That Are Easily Visited from London

Travel is an utterly nourishing thing, and something that each of us should aim to afford ourselves as often as possible. Of course, trips to far-flung destinations are not all that accessible, whether geographically or financially, but this doesn’t preclude you from enjoying somewhere a little closer to home.

London is naturally the epicentre for international travel from the UK, being both the nation’s capital and global centre in its own right. Its stature justifies its six airports and countless train hubs – which themselves enable easy and comfortable travel from the rest of the country. London, then, is the perfect candidate as a launching-point for your own holiday plans. But where are the best European destinations to travel to from London, and how easy are they to get to exactly?


Paris is a strong contender for easiest European destination to visit from London; as the capital of France, it is a European centre all of its own, and well-connected to various transport links – not in the least the Eurostar, which provides direct rail travel across the Channel from London.

Paris’ ease of access is nowhere near the only thing going for it, though. It is a cultural powerhouse, with architectural and artistic delights alike to drink in during your stay. Whether you give yourself to its famous monuments or tour its galleries, there is something remarkable for everyone. And this is to say nothing of the various arrondissements that offer independent bakeries, coffee-houses and bars for the true Paris experience.


For a more sun-dappled experience, you need only think to travel a little further south – down, along the coast and across the border to the Iberian Peninsula, specifically the coastal capital of Spain. Barcelona is a vibrant and charming city, again rife with cultural tradition and nightlife. From historic city quarters to contemporary cultural spaces, Barcelona is an exciting place to explore. Its popularity makes it a cinch to travel to as well, whether by train or on a budget airline.


Speaking of air travel, a short hop in the opposite direction can take you somewhere with its own distinct cultural appeal; it’s another European destination that serves to define its region, in the form of Dutch capital Amsterdam. Amsterdam is not only a short flight away, but also a relatively short train, coach or ferry journey away, whichever best suits your proclivities.

As for destinations activities, Amsterdam has it all: traditional art and museum pieces, modern art, arcade clubs and its world famous coffee shops. There’s a botanical garden, there’s winning food and drink, and the waterways are endlessly pleasant to walk along as you explore the towering city suburbs.

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