
The Most Common Personal Injury Types

A personal injury is, as the name suggests, an injury suffered by a person. As you might imagine, injuries of this kind can be suffered in a variety of ways – and the circumstances often have a considerable impact on the way that a given case is handled in the courts.

Let’s look at several of the more common types of personal injuries, and consider not just how they are handled, but how they can be prevented.

Road Traffic Accidents

In 2022, according to government statistics, there were exactly 135,480 road traffic related casualties of all severities. A substantial portion of these came in the form of whiplash-related injuries. These result from sudden head movements, which inflict trauma on the neck. When the vehicle you’re travelling in suddenly changes speed or direction, whiplash often results.

In severe cases, more extensive damage to the spine, or even trauma to the brain, can result. The best way to deal with this is to drive safely and slowly, and to thereby avoid the accident in the first place. If you find yourself involved in a road traffic accident, then the first priority should be to make the area safe – but a close second should be to seek medical attention for those who need it.

Workplace Accidents

Certain workplaces pose a greater risk than others. Agriculture, construction and fishing all tend to be more hazardous – though sedentary office environments might also pose a risk. Injuries might be inflicted by machinery, or by errors in technique while handling heavy objects.

To mitigate these risks, employers have a duty to provide appropriate equipment and training. This might take the form of lifting equipment, as well as personal protective equipment like facemasks, gloves and goggles. In many cases, these latter items can spell the difference between relative safety and severe injury.

Medical Negligence

Medical negligence refers to a kind of personal injury that’s been inflicted by a medical professional, or organisation, in the attempt to administer medical care. This might mean a failure to diagnose an illness properly, an error in surgery, or a prescription problem that prevents you from being treated properly. If you have suffered an injury due to medical negligence, understanding your right to seek compensation is crucial to address the financial and emotional impact of such an experience.

Accidents in Public

In some cases, an accident might be suffered by pedestrians walking in public spaces like shopping centres, supermarkets, and restaurants. In these cases, a public liability claim might be pursued against the individual, or organisation, to blame for the injury. For example, if you slip on a recently-mopped section of floorspace, you might hold a store-owner responsible for the ensuing injury.

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