“It ain’t no use putting up your umbrella till it rains.”
My name is Anna and I am a worrier. I never used to worry, in fact in the BC years I was a ‘couldn’t carelesser’, but the minute I found out I was pregnant I started to worry. Will I…
I’m sorry Satchmo but you’re wrong……
One of the biggest lies I told myself was that I have all the time in the world . I wanted a career and to live in exciting places and I had all the time in the world to achieve…
Half term!
I’m the honest sort so I’m just going to put it out there. I am rubbish at half term, really rubbish. I spend ages looking forward to having both babies at home at the same time but once the reality…
It’s all fun and games….
It has been said on occasion that I can be quite competitive (I don’t see it myself). Rory is VERY competitive, he’s one of those people who’s really good at everything (except ice skating, he hates it because he can’t…
Little things that were easier in the B.C years.
Before I start, lots of people seem to have been having a little look at my blog. I have no idea whether you’re enjoying it or not but thank you all the same! Please feel free to share if you…
Errors of my ways.
Aoife and I were taking a 10 minute walk home “Mummy, I really need a wee” “You should have gone before we left, we’ll have to walk fast” “I didn’t need to go then but I REALLY need to go…