Are YOU a Supermum?
I happened across this article unhelpfully entitled
Are you a SUPERMUM? Top 40 signs of the ‘perfect mother’ REVEALED.
Needless to say, it has made me rather cross. Â
To outline the article – ‘research’ has revealed a ‘definitive guide’ on how to achieve ‘perfect mother status’.
2000 women were asked what they thought made a ‘Perfect Mum’. No actual science occured during this research.
Apparently 57% of us mums know someone who has the downright cheek of attempting to portray themselves as a ‘perfect mum’.
60% of the women asked find these women “irritating” and almost 75% dislike it when these mums “show off” their achievements on social media.
So much for the sisterhood…..
This article has really gripped my tits and not only because I don’t tick all 40 boxes. (PTA? Pffft. If I have a spare evening I’d rather spend it in the pub NOT talking about my babies thankyouverymuch)Â EDIT-since writing this post two years ago, I have actually joined the PTA…Who’d have thunk it?!
The list has the ability to shame working mums who simply don’t have the time to undertake all 40 tasks of ‘perfectness’ whilst simultaneously shaming non working mums who do have the time to do these things but are apparently only doing so in an attempt to be ‘perfect mums’.
God forbid some of us actually think manners are an essential for everyone or enjoy baking from scratch and maybe even did it BEFORE we had children…
With articles like this on the loose maybe we’re all, working or non working, busy trying to portray ourselves as ‘perfect mums’ because some idiot is going to come along and ask us to judge one another on our parenting skills.
I can’t help but think that those women who are irritated by ‘perfect mums’ are so because they’re comparing themselves to these other mums.
If your child is being well looked after then YOU ARE a perfect mum.
You don’t need a list to tell you how to do it and if your way is different to someone else then that’s OK.
As Yo Gabba Gabba tells us, it’s good to be different.
My personal check list on being a perfect mum is:
They’re alive
They’ve had food
They’re happy
If I have achieved these by the end of each day I consider myself a winner.
And those women who ‘dislike’ the (not actually) perfect mums ‘showing off’ on social media? Well, they’d do well to consider that maybe the mums aren’t ‘showing off’.
Maybe they’re trying to convince everyone that they’re coping when they actually feel like they’re not.
Possibly they’re proud of doing something they didn’t think they could do.
It could be that they’re trying to find a positive in a day full of tantrums and shitty nappies.
Maybe it’s the closest thing to talking to another adult that day.
Maybe they’re actually equally as irritated of seeing pictures of your food/cat/vodka.
It works both ways.
I don’t know what the article hoped to achieve other than to encourage unnecessary comparisson and strike up bitterness and self doubt in mums who already worry if they’re ‘doing it right’.
Well mums you ARE doing it right. Have confidence that your way is the right way and don’t let anyone else tell you any different.
If you bake a cake or make a costume from scratch be proud and show the world.
If you buy a cake and a costume from a shop, be proud and show the world.
Neither is right and neither is wrong.
We all have different skill sets and that’s OK.
Let’s stop judging each other on how we ‘Mum’ and just focus on our own parenting. After all, we’re all our own harshest judges and no one needs that added pressure!
My children think I’m a Supermum and that’s all the validation I need.
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Sarah Doyle - let them be small
gah – I’m with you, I hate articles like this. Drives me mad how they pit one set of parenting against another. I am good at certain things but rubbish at others but it doesn’t make me a super mum or a cr*p mum – it just make me mum x
I like to think I am equal crap mum and super mum…I fear sometimes I veer more toward the former …. x
Lyndsey Kim O'Halloran
Me and my mum friends always end up talking about how crap we are!
Ana De-Jesus
Exactly! No one is perfect and culture should not shame working or stay at home mothers at all!
Miranda (Anosa)
Hahaha – your laptop sounds therapuetic lol but in all seriousness I am not a mum yet and I agree with you. It’s irritating to have such a list to describe who the perfect mum’s are. If the kids are happy, healthy are alive its a winner in my book
Some days I feel like a super mum and some days I struggle to get out of bed or get anything done.
Super mums belong in fiction books. Good enough mums is what we all just need to be! X
Jayne (@SMABLblog)
At the end of the day we all try our best, which ever way we go about it. Fair play to the glamorously dressed mum on the school run! I’m only jealous! It’s an achievement for me that my clothes don’t end up inside out or back to front first thing 😉
I’m not a mum myself but I have friends who are and I couldn’t agree more. People are so quick to judge (particularly with parenting) instead of giving support and encouragement when it’s needed.
It’s sad but it sometimes feel that folk can only feel better about themselves by finding a negative in others.
I’m sure we’d all feel happier if we spent time lifting others 🙂
I’m not even going to go read that original blog post you’re written about as I’m sure it’ll set me off too! We all do the best we can do (and yes, you do have a good and useful blog – keep being the awesome you!) 😉
That’very kind of you, thank you 🙂
PS I’m loving the look of some of your recipes!
Fi Ni Neachtain
I don’t think anyone can be a perfect mum, no matter how hard they try, simply because nobody is perfect. All we can do is our best and that’s just fine by me 🙂