IVF with donor eggs – what are my chances
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With 1 in 7 couples in the UK having difficulties conceiving naturally, infertility is a rising problem.Some of the couples, after consulting a fertility doctor, are able to get pregnant after IUI or IVF treatment with their own eggs. Unfortunately, some of them will not be successful with their own eggs and will have to resort to donor oocytes. Fortunately, in Europe there are many generous women who wish to donate their eggs and anonymously help couples in need.
Egg donation may not seem an easy choice but it still is much more frequently chosen option, compared to adoption. Women who make such a decision cannot be blamed – there is no comparison to the feeling of a tiny heart beating under yours. Egg donation also seems more straight-forward (though not simple at all) process and less time-consuming than the lengthy adoption process.
IVF with donor eggs – your options
If you have medical indications for IVF with donor eggs, it is time to sit down with your partner and discuss your options. There are some aspects which you need to think through well. Do you prefer non-anonymous (open ID donor) or anonymous donor? Do you want to see the donor’s photos as a baby and/or as an adult or not? These are crucial decisions which need to be well-thought out.
Choosing an anonymous donor seems the easiest option if you are OK with the fact that neither you nor your child will meet the donor. In such a case you can decide to have IVF in a fertility clinic in Spain, Greece or Cyprus – in these countries egg donors must be anonymous by law. Clinics from these countries have extensive egg donor databases which list various phenotypes: fair/medium/darker skin types, blue/green/brown eyes, various hair colours, etc.
The success rates of IVF with donor eggs abroad
The success rates are not just “success” or “failure”. There are many factors you need to take into account. Before you even begin considering treatment with a clinic, ask them as many questions as you can. For example, what are the chances:
- that my fertilized eggs turn into properly developing embryos?
- that my transferred embryos implant correctly?
- that I’ll be diagnosed with biochemical pregnancy (1 week post embryo transfer)?
- that I’ll be diagnosed with clinical pregnancy?
- of having a live birth?
It is not uncommon that you might get 80% chance of properly developed embryo, but only 45% chance of take-home baby. EggDonationFriends, patient-friendly portal, warns all patients not to fall for some clinics’ marketing talk. Check the facts, read , watch IVF webinars, educate yourself. We, patients, need to be inquisitive, ask the right questions and make well-informed decisions. EggDonationFriends.com believe only knowledge, awareness and total clinics’ transparency can result in successful and problem-free clinic-patient communication. Look for IVF clinics with EggDonationFriends Trusted Clinic logo – you will have a guarantee that the clinic’s offer is transparent and with nothing to hide.
Check free educational webinars with no marketing talk, just facts and knowledge and more information about IVF with donor eggs programs on EggDonationFriends.com.
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