Annie Bee’s Colouring Sheets for Parents – Bedtime
Welcome to Annie Bee’s Colouring Sheets for Batshit Crazy Parents!
Here I create wonderful little pictures that you can download, print off, colour in and stick on your fridge.
They will probably resonate with you more than flowers, a car or a rabbit.
I’m off on holiday next week and man am I ready.
You know when you get to that point where being a parent is literally suffocating you?
Yeah you do, don’t lie. No one is judging you here.
Anyway, I’m at that point – I need a break.
Obviously my children are coming with me so we will be parenting but in a warmer, more beautiful place.
Before you have children there’s this…ideal. This scene you create with your wonderfully, clean all the time children who do as they ask.
If for some reason you find yourself raising your voice you quickly apologise and talk it out.
They eat what you cook, you have meaningful conversations and they say things that would put the greatest philosophers to shame.
You’re #blessed. You #cherisheverymoment.
You would NEVER say that sometimes, it’s just not for you.
Once you have kids you swiftly realise that someone, somewhere is creating these lies just to make people procreate.
Yes there ARE some wonderful moments but by God there are some trying ones.
I honestly believe some days, that my time would be better spent standing in front of a mirror and talking to myself.
It’s my own fault for creating such independent, strong minded children.
So, yes, we have some special times.
More often than not, my favourite time is bedtime.
THAT’S why mama loves gin.
Why don’t you pour yourself a large one, follow this link to print off ‘Bedtime’ and steal your kids felt tips to colour it in?
You’ll feel better, I promise…
You can find the previous two colouring sheets here and here.
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