5 Fabulous Ways to Prepare for Your New Arrival
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From the moment you saw that positive result on the test, your life changed in an instant. It seems so long ago that you were trying to hide your first trimester symptoms and keep the biggest secret of your life. Now, it couldn’t be more obvious that you are welcoming a new arrival in the imminent future and you can’t wait for the journey ahead. When you’re getting your home baby ready, there are a number of ways that you can prepare. Like many pregnant women, you are probably going through some forgetful moments, so here are five fabulous ideas to prepare for your new arrival.
Take Care of Yourself
As soon as you know you’re pregnant, you might feel a certain pressure to adopt certain eating habits. You shouldn’t feel forced into changing your lifestyle altogether, but you could do your research on the “First 1000 days.” This is a concept that explains how you can influence your baby’s health from preconception to toddler hood. Good nutrition will not only benefit them in the long run, but it will also help you to feel energised throughout your pregnancy.
Decorate the Nursery
There is something so real about decorating your child’s nursery. It can be a fun, daunting and exciting time in your household, so make the most out of the experience. Washing their new clothes and building their cot makes their arrival even more thrilling.
Stock Up on Supplies
Although the shops won’t shut when your baby arrives, it is important to stock up on supplies while you can. Buying plenty of nappies, wipes and formula now, will prevent you from getting stressed when you run out in the middle of the night. You can never be too prepared when it come to having a baby, so grab your supplies now!
Batch Cook Some Meals
The first few weeks of your newborn’s life will fly by you in a haze. It is especially important to take care of yourself and eat well during this time, as your immune system may be lower. Batch cook some of your favourite meals before you give birth and you will have a freezer full of goodies when you most need them.
Enjoy Time With Your Partner
It is important to make the most of your alone time together before the new baby arrives. Head out on date nights as often as you can and enjoy the time you have as a family of two, before you become three!
In the next few weeks you are going to feel a mixture of excitable and anxious emotions. Before your baby arrives, you will find yourself overthinking about every little thing. There is no point in worrying or overthinking about anything regarding your new bundle of joy. You will take to motherhood smoothly and naturally, so try to stay positive. By preparing for the baby in some of the ways mentioned above, you will feel more than ready for that much anticipated moment in your life.
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