Chill Out! Tips For Stressed-Out Mums
Motherhood – it’s a joy, right? Your kids are a blessing, your life is enriched, and your days will forever be filled with love and positivity!
While this might be the case, we can’t deny the fact that motherhood is stressful. Yes, it is fulfilling and wonderful, but when the kids are playing up and when their needs become ever more demanding, motherhood can sometimes feel like a bit of a struggle.
If you’re currently on your third glass of wine after a busy day with your family, you probably know what I’m saying.
Still, for your overall levels of sanity, you do need to chill out.
Here are some tips you might find useful.
Take a break from your kids
Yes, you love your kids, but there will be times when you need to take a break from your parenting duties. You will feel better if you do, and you might be able to get a better perspective on your stresses when you’re in a more relaxed frame of mind. So, organise those playdates, get the grandparents involved, or look for nearby after-school clubs. Then use the time you have off to get a bath, go for a walk, chill in front of the TV, or anything else that will relax and de-stress you.
Take something to calm your nerves
A glass of wine will obviously help, but you should probably wait until your kids have gone to bed before you partake of such a beverage. In the daytime, there are other things you can take to ease your stress levels, such as herbal teas, health store supplements, and oils from these CBD stockists. When you’re in need of a quick fix to calm your frazzled senses, these natural remedies will do the trick, so consider your options.
Just breathe
Sure, you know how to breathe. You wouldn’t have made it this far if you didn’t! However, when you’re feeling stressed, it’s how you breathe that matters, as there are techniques that you can learn to bring you into a calmed state. Check out these breathing exercises, for example, and the next time you feel as if you’re about to burst into a ball of flames or an expletive-fuelled dragon, stop, walk away, and breathe your stresses away.
Keep a tidy house
Sorry to say it, but an untidy house isn’t going to help your stress levels anyway. You won’t be able to relax properly when there is clutter everywhere, and your stress will bubble over when you realise you can’t find the TV remote because of the stuff that surrounds you. As the saying goes, a tidy house is a tidy mind, so while you might want to ignore the clutter when you’re tired, get on top of it. You will feel better if you do.
Note: Considering it will probably be your kids who make the most of the mess in your house, use these tidy-up tips to involve them in your housework.
Hopefully this tips are of some use to you. While we can’t get rid of all our stresses we can certainly try to amend those that are easy to fix. Let me know what you think, and if you have any further advice for stressed-out mums, be sure to share them with me!
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