How To Be A Great Role Model To Your Kids
Their eyes are always watching. Their ears are always open to the things they hear you saying. And their mouths are always relaying the things they have seen you do and repeating your usual phrases.
Who are we talking about? Your kids, of course, which will be of no surprise to you after reading this article’s title. As parents, we need to take care, as our words and actions will be noticed by the younger members of our families. If we want them to behave in ways that are both good for themselves and for society, we need to be mindful of ourselves. In short, we need to be great role models, and we can do this by adhering to the following.
#1: Eat healthily
It’s no good telling your children to eat their greens while you discreetly dispose of yours in the litter bin. And it’s no good telling your children not to eat junk food between meals when you’re leaving telltale signs of a chocolate bar in your wake. If you want your kids to eat healthily, set a good example. Cook and eat foods that are good for you, and let your children know why these are better than the unhealthier options.
#2: Make an effort to give up your bad habits
We all have bad habits. You will have more than a few, and so will your kids. But to encourage them to give up their bad habits, you need to be prepared to give up yours. You should also give up those habits that your children might one day take up! So, if you’re a smoker, try vaping instead. Your kids will find it hilarious when you tell them you are using vaping products from the Dinner Lady range. And if you know you swear more than you do, penalise yourself by putting coins in a swear jar. These are just a couple of examples, but you catch our drift. Take steps to give up so your kids can see you’re trying your best. If you can make the effort, you can encourage the same in your children.
#3: Focus on self-improvement
You want your kids to be the best they can be, but what about yourself? If you don’t focus on self-improvement in your life, it might be harder to get them to work on themselves. So, don’t be afraid to try new experiences in an effort to broaden your horizons. Don’t resist going back to school to enhance your learning. And don’t give up when you get to the first hurdle. If your kids can see the value of self-improvement in your life, they might be encouraged to improve their own lives. Heck, you might even get them to do their homework!
#4: Tame your tongue
Yes, there will be times when people do your head in! It might be your next-door neighbour, your child’s teacher, another road user, or a supermarket checkout worker who moves at the pace of a snail. When you get aggravated, you might mumble unkind words under your breath or you might say them out loud. You might gossip about them to others and you might have a shouting match with the annoying people in question. But here’s the thing. When your children hear you shout and swear and treat others with intolerance, they might copy your behaviour. So, it’s no good telling them to ‘treat people like you want to be treated’ if your tongue is guilty of more than a few unkind words. Be patient and respectful then, as your children are listening!
#5: Get off the sofa
We all like to rest and relax with the TV remote in one hand and a bag of snacks in the other. Sometimes, we need that rest, as life can be busy. But there are limits. So, if you’re forever on the sofa and doing little else with your time, you need to think about the example you are setting your children. It’s no good telling them to curb screen time if you’re forever sitting back watching TV and playing with your phone. It’s no good telling them to exercise more if you’re permanently in a seated position. To encourage them away from their screens and into a more active lifestyle, you need to role model the same. So, find a hobby, especially one that requires a little exercise. And encourage your children to do the same. You might even take up a hobby together, as you would then have opportunities for both role modelling and bonding!
Be mindful then. By setting your children a good example, you will increase their chances of health and happiness. So, be good. Be alert to your little ones who are watching. And even when you suspect they aren’t watching, be good anyway, not only because you should, but because your kids might still pop up when you least expect it!
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