Getting Beach Ready
This is written in collaboration with Simply Beach. It’s sub zero outside, well minus one, and my weather app keeps telling me it’s going to snow. So we’ve started thinking of the sunshine and booked our summer holiday, it’s time…
These ugg boots aren’t made for walking.
We all have something we irrationally hate, something that stirs an inner rage and we’re not even sure why. My list includes, but is not limited to: Tess Daly
Office Christmas Party with Fashionworld
As you very well know, I have been a stay at home/ work from home mum for the last few years. Whilst this has an ABUNDANCE of perks – coffee breaks whenever I choose, not having to talk to actual…
Happy Mummiversary to Me!
Today is a very special day, it’s my 8th Mummiversary! While Aoife has spent a lovely day celebrating her birthday with friends and received lots of lovely presents, I’ve spent the day internally smug. Praising myself for 8 successful years…
Warm Home, Warm Bones
When I was younger I always used to think of the things I’d do as a grown up.
When I’m buying windows
I’m the kind of person who freezes when someone knocks on the door. Who is it, and why didn’t they just text me? Inevitably, once I open the door I realise they didn’t text because it’s the same woman who’s…