
  • Parenting

    Let’s hear it for the boy!

    I realised I talk a lot more about Aoife than Seth, I guess as she’s older her interactions are funnier (Seth has a lot to live up to!*). So today we’re all about the boy! This is my wonderful, amazing…

  • Are you a supermum -

    Are YOU a Supermum?

    I happened across this article unhelpfully entitled Are you a SUPERMUM? Top 40 signs of the ‘perfect mother’ REVEALED. Needless to say, it has made me rather cross.  

  • Parenting


    We’re getting ‘holiday ready’! Not a body thing (that ship sailed) but the preholiday week of attempting to get shit together whilst consistently being unprepared. Choosing the accommodation was bad enough. Can’t share room with kids, they’re noisy. No balcony,…

  • Parenting

    Holidays are coming.

    Firstly, a clarification. I worry that to those who don’t actually know me, I may come across a bit blasé in regard to my children/parenthood, like I think it’s some huge joke. I’m not. I love my children with every…