• Parenting

    Holidays are coming.

    Firstly, a clarification. I worry that to those who don’t actually know me, I may come across a bit blasé in regard to my children/parenthood, like I think it’s some huge joke. I’m not. I love my children with every…

  • Life

    A letter to George

    Dear Mr Osbourne, Can I call you George? Today is YOUR day,George, your time to shine! Don’t get me wrong, I don’t envy you one bit. I really wouldn’t like the pressure of trying to balance the books of the…

  • Parenting

    Sleep, it’s for the weak.

    You may recall a previous post where I spoke about how bedtime in our house could be a bit of a rigmarole. Well, we cracked it! We had a full week of going to bed and going to sleep brilliantly.…

  • Parenting

    Feelings, nothing more than feelings.

    When I were young children didn’t have feelings! OK, so that might not be actually true. As a child I did have feelings but they seemed kind of simple. I was either happy, sad or angry and I expressed these…