• Parenting

    Mother’s Day

    As I sit here in the corner of my couch in a makeshift nest made of cushions nursing the mother of all hangovers I’m thankful that Seth has opted for the nap he usually refuses on a weekend. I’m thankful…

  • Life

    Pet hates no.1

    One of my (many) pet hates is when people ask me a question but have either no intention of listening to my answer or have a specific answer in mind already.

  • Parenting

    Half term!

    I’m the honest sort so I’m just going to put it out there. I am rubbish at half term, really rubbish. I spend ages looking forward to having both babies at home at the same time but once the reality…

  • fun and games board game close up

    It’s all fun and games….

    It has been said on occasion that I can be quite competitive (I don’t see it myself). Rory is VERY competitive, he’s one of those people who’s really good at everything (except ice skating, he hates it because he can’t…