All good things must come to an end
And so, it is with a heavy heart that I have to announce the end of my 10 year relationship. It had it’s ups and downs. We had good times and bad. We’ve made dates, we’ve broken dates. We’ve shared…
Hey Wills, you’re not alone.
Last week, during a visit to Vietnam, Prince William admitted he struggled with parenthood. The internet was vicious! HOW VERY DARE HE? cried Twitter. “U don’t know meaning of struggle”* “This man has no idea what it means to struggle…
Happy 18th birthday Google (other search engines are available)
One of the best inventions for any parent/new parent is the smart phone. Not because it keeps you in touch with other adults via phone calls and social media. Not because we can enforce photos of our little angels 24hrs…
Hi 1993? It’s me, you!
A friend posted this on my Facebook timeline…. “.on reflection…having lived a fun and interesting ‘couple of years’* since your teens, what 10 things would you tell/teach your 15 year old self if you could?
“To perform like Linford, you’ve got to think like Linford….”
n the 90s, Kris Akabusi (the most smiley athlete in all the land, nay the world) told us we had to have PMA to succeed. Positive Mental Attitude. OK, so he was trying to flog us a certain brand of…
It’s a tough job but someone has to do it. With pleasure.
The summer break is over. After a glorious week on the Cote D’Azur Rory is back at work, Aoife has just started Year 1 and it’s back to reality (booooo). There’s no other job, yes I referred to parenting as…