6 Tips to Get You Back into Running this Spring
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6 Tips to Get You Back into Running this Spring
Maybe the idea of going out and running fills you with dread. Maybe you would rather get some ‘me’ time, indulge in a slice of cake, watch Netflix in your pyjamas, or spend some quality time with your partner. But you’ve decided that now is the time to get back into running and become a healthier version of yourself.
Unfortunately, deciding you’re going to do something and actually doing it are two very different things. So, to help make your running goals a reality, here are some tips to help you get back to it this Spring.
Run in Intervals
After a break from running, you can’t work to your old goals. Instead, relax, give yourself a break. The best way to ease back into running is with intervals. To do this, vary between walking and running, and gradually build up your time. This will make it easier to get back into a routine and help you to celebrate your successes.
Commit to Fun Goals
You could aim for a marathon, or completing a long-distance run, but these goals aren’t for everyone. Instead, arrange something fun. This could be signing up for a colour or fun run, an adventure race, or an obstacle course. Remember: running doesn’t have to be boring!
Find Your Jam
Studies have shown that listening to music during a workout can reduce pain and allow you to exercise for longer. This means it’s the perfect excuse to make a running playlist. Choose songs that are upbeat, fast paced and make you feel happy.
Get a Buddy
Sometimes, it’s easier to keep motivated when it involves other people. So, why not consider joining a local running group, or asking a friend to run with you? This can reduce any worries you have, help you if you feel self-conscious, and provide an incentive to keep you going.
Glam Your Workout Gear
How we look and feel about ourselves can have a massive impact on our actions. While you may be tempted to reach for old joggers and a baggy t-shirt, think about glamming up your workout clothes. Invest in printed running leggings, add colour to your running shoes with Caterpy laces, or put your hair up in a stylish do.
Track Your Progress
You may think there’s no point in tracking your runs at first, as they may be short. However, by doing this, you can see how you’re improving and measure your success. So, whether you use a smart watch or an app, log your runs, times and distances to help you stay focussed.
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