weekly winedown

Weekly Winedown #38 Terreo Malbec

Welcome to the Weekly Winedown. Each week I selflessly drink wine for you and offer a review.
Please don’t expect anything professional, I consume a lot of wine but I’m no pro.

The only real ‘rule’ I’m putting in place is that the wine is to be under Β£8 a bottle. #keepitclassy

This weekend will see Miss Markle make an honest man of Harry.

I hate that term, ‘honest man’ it implies that up until some point tomorrow he was just off galavanting with other women and generally being a bit of a cad, it’s a bit demeaning to be honest.
Some of the terms and traditions to do with weddings really are archaic aren’t they yet we (not actually me) bandy them about without thinking.

Like when people refer to their hen/stag do as the ‘last night of freedom’.
If people really think that they won’t be able to get pissed with their friends ever again, they should probably question why they’re marrying a joy vacuum in the first place.

Anyway, I digress, Harry & Meghan are getting wed and I can’t wait.
Judge all you will, I don’t give a hoot!

I don’t consider myself to be a royalist but I love the pomp and ceremony, it’s also nice to see that being a royal doesn’t stop people whinging about who you do or don’t invite to your wedding as if it’s anyone elses business!
The biggest appeal to me though is watching something happy for a change and seeing two people in love marrying one another.

I’m such a softie.
Let us get ready for wedding celebrations with an expensive (but on special offer) French Malbec. Deja vu?
I know it’s a risky move after last weeks Winsom Cousins but I need to right the wrong.

The Label

Simple and elegant. A square white label with the brand name in purple and the rest in black. Kind of like the front of a menu in a fancy establishment, one that is so fancy it probably doesn’t even take a taste card. The cap is also white, like a magicians gloves.  I’m not sure what I make of that though, it makes me uncomfortable.

The Blurb

“Terreo Malbec is an unique red wine from South West of France. Very deep red colour with shades of purple. Notes of black fruit and vanilla. Great unctuousness in the mouth”

It’s one of those fancy labels where they do the blurb in French then put a direct translation underneath, this always strikes me as a little pretentious but in the past, the wines that do this have been good. I particularly like the term ‘unctuosness’ we should use it more in daily life. It’s even nicer in French ‘Grand onctuosite en bouche’.

So basically, we’re expecting a rich, intense wine with a hint of vanilla, let’s see!

There was so little on the nose, like nothing to declare. A very light scent and everso slightly floral but not a lot more.

The taste, intially big – almost unctuous (but not quite) bold red berries in the mouth then nothing. There’s not long taste, it’s just gone. I certainly didn’t get any sense of vanilla at all.

It’s certainly not an Β£11.99 bottle of wine in my opinion, but what do I know?
More than Aoife at the very least πŸ˜‰


Weekly Winedown #38 Terreo MalbecWeekly Winedown #38 Terreo Malbec #malbec #frenchwine #redwine #frenchredwine #frenchmalbec #terreomalbec #winetasting #winereview #wineoclockName – Terreo Malbec
Price – Β£5.99 (should be Β£11.99)
Colour – reddy purple
Smell – Light, a bit vague
Taste – Tart berries, starts big then nothing.
Goes well with –  A Royal wedding eve
Overall score – 3.5/5


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