
Hair and Beauty Trends for Summer 2024

It can be difficult when trying to stay up to date with every new trend, and with summer just around the corner, most Brits tend to switch up their style at this time of year to match the bettering weather.

To give a helping hand on what’s hot this season, below we discuss some specific trends and the best ways to achieve them so that you can join in on the fun too!


Haircuts and hairstyles change frequently throughout the year, and for warmer months, practicality is handy.

For haircuts, there are a couple in particular that we are seeing a lot of right now:

  • Bangs: Curtain fringes are all the rage right now for that effortless windswept style, especially when paired with long layers. Microbangs are also making an appearance right now if you prefer a more alternative look.
  • Shaggy: As a homage to the 80s, a shag cut suits any hair length, making it the perfect vibe for summertime.

For hairstyles, these are the trends we can’t get enough of:

Blowout: Perfectly blown hair is all the rage right now, but it can be difficult to master. To get the best result, professional hair dryers will allow you to heat and curl your hair to salon-style perfection.

  • Accessorized: Accompanying your up-do with ribbons or bows is the cutest way to give your look a touch of sunshine right now.
  • Embracing Curls: Attending to your gorgeous curls is the best way to go into summer. Utilise curl-specific hair products to promote hair health and keep those ringlets bouncing.


Of course, skincare should be a priority all year round, however, when summer is just around the corner, we must take even better care of our skin.

Not only do we tend to wear less facial makeup during warmer months, but our skin also needs some TLC if it has constant sun exposure. Here are some major trends that we can’t get enough of:

  • Microbiome: This skincare discourse revolves around positive bacteria, as the complex network of particles massively impacts your skin. Invest in skincare that promotes good bacteria in order to overrule irritations.
  • Radiance: Tinted SPF is a necessity if you want a glowy radiance while still protecting your skin. Use oils and acids to give your face a dewy and youthful appearance.
  • Pigmentation: Wear sunscreen every day, exfoliate and use skin-brightening products to combat hyperpigmentation in summer.


As mentioned previously, a lighter makeup look is preferential once the temperature increases. However, this doesn’t mean we have to put our makeup brushes down! Below are some ideas to give you the best of both worlds.

  • Wet Look: Popular with many celebs right now, a wet finish is taking skin radiance to the next level. Ditch the setting powder and replace it with shimmery shadows and glossy products for the ‘glass skin’ style.
  • Overly Blushed: Coined as ‘doll blush’, this look is simple to recreate. Generously dust your cheeks with hues of pink to solidify yourself as a real-life Barbie.
  • Holographic: Dare to be different by incorporating iridescent shades within your makeup look. Multi-chrome highlighters, lip gloss and eyeshadow are perfect for your summer festival style this year.

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