
  • Featured,  Life,  Parenting

    Making Memories?

    As a human, I particularly enjoy the past time of ‘dwelling on things’. I’ve written before about my worries, about how I fear my children will grow up as dysfunctional members of society or some such thing.

  • Good enough for batman

    If it’s Good Enough for Batman…

    This post is written in paid partnership with Scuderia Car Parts. I may have mentioned (once or twice before) that I entered my fifth decade on this earth last year, and Rory is now hurtling towards that milestone himself. I…

  • 10 BC things
    Life,  Parenting

    10 Things I Would Tell My BC Self

    I’ve written before about what I would tell my 15 year old self if I could jump in a time machine and meet up for a beer milkshake. It was mostly life stuff though I did briefly mention to her…

  • talk northern to me
    Featured,  Life

    Talk Dirty (Northern) To Me

    Today I received a package with the following note included: My nice new packaging hasn’t arrived yet so please accept this Shan post -it heart as a token of my gratitude. My response was, quite obviously Ah that’s nice.  Whereas…