Weekly Winedown #23 The Original Dark Horse Cabernet Sauvignon
Welcome to the Weekly Winedown. Each week I selflessly drink wine for you and offer a review. Please don’t expect anything professional, I consume a lot of wine but I’m no pro. The only real ‘rule’ I’m putting in place…
The Soundtrack to The Film of my Life.
Today, as the children are away, I listened to the wireless. For half an hour, each song took me back to a time in my life.
The Children’s Meditations In my Heart review.
A little while back I received an email. It began “Asleep in Minutes… Bedtime the Danish way How bedtime meditation helps children to sleep”
Chocolate Egg Surprise Maker review.
To celebrate National Chocolate Week, the very kind folk at Jakks Toys sent us the Chocolate Egg Surprise Maker. To say Aoife was over the moon is an understatement.
You can’t win them all. Reasoning with a six year old.
I love Aoife. It goes without saying.
Weekly Winedown #22 Bioletti’s Block Pinot Noir.
Welcome to the Weekly Winedown. Each week I selflessly drink wine for you and offer a review. Please don’t expect anything professional, I consume a lot of wine but I’m no pro. The only real ‘rule’ I’m putting in place…