“There ain’t no cure for the Summertime blues”
It’s 22 degrees outside. For those of you outside of the UK, this is a pretty big deal!
(S)he who does not ask remains a fool forever…..
It’s that time again, HALF TERM. Time for me to do some of that ‘proper parenting’ that I’ve heard about…. Obviously it’s blowing a hoolie outside (well it IS June) so we’re mostly in house. Aoife being here full time…
“It’s been a bad day, please don’t take a picture”
I have debated long and hard whether I was going to share this post today. I’m aware that it shows me at a terribly low point, at my worst and that makes me feel incredibly vulnerable.
Playdates – Why do we do it?
Before I was 30 I’d have said I wasn’t a fan of children, I didn’t like them one bit. They absolutely weren’t for me and I’d never have one. Ever. Then I hit 30 and was struck with an overwhelming…
The dog who came to mini-break
This week we had a furry house guest in the form of my parents dog, Leo. He’s a lovely fellow, a great big handsome soft lump of border collie. Although we have two cats I’ve always declared myself a dog…
Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day…..
…So I’ll spend it inside blogging a blog and watching trash TV. Parenting like a pro…… A couple of weeks ago we had to reintroduce the tick system.