Children-The Strongest blizzards start with a single snowflake.
More and more recently I’ve noticed the term ‘snowflake’ being bandied around in a derogatory manner, generally by puffy chested, brash, middle class, middle aged alpha male types with an over inflated sense of ‘self’.
Maybe I’ve been living with my head in the sand but I had to Google the term to see what it meant.
The internet ‘reliably’ informs me that snowflakes (or one from the snowflake generation) are young generations who are more likely to take offence and less hardy than those from generations before.
They are emotionally vulnerable as a result of parenting that has given them an inflated sense of their own uniqueness.
Obviously, the fault lies with the parents, we are bringing up future generations of snowflakes.
We pander to our children, we fill them with a false sense of importance (they’re actually not important at all, just a mere handful are and those ones will be revealed in time, don’t waste your time making your child feel unique!).
We make them easily offended.
The snowflakes are a generation of young people who get upset when fantastically racist and inept men are made leaders of the free world.
They’re a generation of young people who believe that refugees have a right to a safe place to live and sleep.
They’re a generation of young people who believe that everyone should have equal rights regardless of gender, sexuality and physical ability.
They’re a generation of people who would rather like a fairer, calmer world.
I, for one am glad that our younger generations are getting offended by war, lack of equality, misogyny, racism and hate.
It shows that they are worrying about the world, they are concerned for the future, for the future of their children.
I’m glad that the ‘snowflakes’ are willing to protest about unfairness both here and abroad. Standing in solidarity with strangers and coming together in hope.
Is it so wrong that they give a shit about someone or something else outside of their own personal bubble?
Have we become THAT self centred?
I DO think that there is an inflated sense of entitlement amongst people these days, some younger people have been bought up being given everything they want without having to work for it.
This sense of entitlement is not a nice trait and it’s also not limited to the younger generation (I’m looking at you puffy chested old man!) but it’s also VERY different to being a snowflake.
It is very possible let your child know they’re unique and that they are special whilst also teaching them that they have to work hard to achieve.
Nothing of value is given on a plate.
Except cake.
When I think of a snowflake I think of a beautiful, one of a kind, never replicated creation.
It is seemingly fragile, it quietly falls from the sky creating a spectacle as it does and then it lands.
When it lands it becomes part of something bigger, it changes how the world looks, it changes how it feels.
It changes how we feel.
It brings with it that strange calm and quiet that only snowfall can bring.
It gives us all, adult and child alike, that magical moment of delight when we look out of the window and see the changed landscape.
That one, tiny fragile insignificant snowflake is actually part of that change in the landscape, it’s a pretty big deal.
We could probably also do with remembering that the snowflakes don’t always fall silently, they don’t always quietly go about their business.
The snowflakes are more than capable of creating a blizzard, they are capable of being strong and angry.
They are capable of creating permanent change.
We should never underestimate the humble snowflake, in fact we should probably treat it with a bit more respect.
And so to my children I say go ahead and be snowflakes*.
Be calm, be beautiful, be unique and change the world in the way that only you can.
I would always prefer you to be a snowflake than a massive twat.
* Seth is probably less snowflake and more thundersnow.
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November 25, 2016
What a wonderful post! You’ve absolutely hit the nail on the head…I have never thought the term ‘snowflake’ was a bad one, I’d be quite happy to be labelled as such (I already have…the amount of arguments I’ve had online with arseholes). I will be joining the protest when Trump visits here, after all, us snowflakes have to stick together! I am bringing my daughter up in the same way, and will hopefully inspire her to stand up for what’s right when she’s older x
Thank you so much! I hate in when people say things like ‘why bother protesting, it changes nothing?’ Well, a thousand voices shouting together is more likely to have an impact than sitting at home watching Loose Women and eating crisps.
We have to believe we can make a difference to do so and we have to teach our children they too can make a difference. Or we will all sit around being indifferent and complaining!
*Put soap box away*
Thanks for reading x
Exactly! I don’t want my daughter in years to come to say, ‘Mum, why didn’t you do anything’? Well baby, I did!
If anything at least Brexit/Trump is uniting people across the globe, and this is how change happens ? x
What an amazing read for a monday morning! #PostsfromtheHeart
Thanks for taking the time to read
Great post and so true, we should all be snowflakes, unique, strong and using our voices in the world. It’s time to create a snowstorm.
Lovely post and so true but the part that really took the biscuit was that last sentence – “I would always prefer you to be a snowflake than a massive twat.” Brilliant! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely xoxo
Ah, thank you for hosting. And for such a nice comment x
An Imperfect Mum (@animperfectmum)
I love the quote: we are all like a snowflake all beautifully unique in our own way! I can’t believe it is being used in such a derogatory way. Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime ?
Some folk have the knack of taking the nicest terms and making them negative. It says more about them I suppose. Thanks for reading ☺
Mrs Mummy Harris
This is such a brilliant post, i am scared for our childrens future but with our guidance maybe as the next generation they can correct the current wrongs and make this world the better place that we know it could be!!! #PostsFromTheHeart
I worry so much about the future for our littles, I spend so much time wondering where in the world I can take them to protect them. Fingers crossed the messes can be unmessed! Thanks so much for reading.
Love this. I’ve been called a snowflake in the midst of a few political type arguments and it really ticks me off. I’m raising my daughter to care about other people and their feelings. When did that become a bad thing? #blogginggoodtime
I’ll be honest, the kind of person who uses the term isn’t the kind of person whose opinion I value generally. It’s just another example of people being vile to others for no reason though. I want my children to care about others. That’s no bad thing. Thanks so much for taking the time to read. Keep on snowing dude!
Mummy Times Two
I love this post so much and agree with it in its entirety. Unique is beautiful. We should encourage our children, respect them and give them the confidence to be themselves. My Number One is without doubt a snowflake, she worries about the world on a daily basis. Number Two on the Otherhand is I suspect like your little one more on the thunderstorm radar! Thanks so much for linking such a thoughtful and heartfelt post to #PostsFromTheHeart
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and for the lovely comment ☺
I like the term thunderstorm!! That made me chuckle. But back to serious why wouldn’t we want them to be ‘snowflakes’? What chance do we have in the world if we don’t have a generation of snowflakes? I’d say we’re all doomed, so I will endeavour to ensure my little one to be calm, considerate, kind, gentle, unique and believe they can change the world. #fortheloveofBLOG
Maybe if folk had been more calm, kind and thoughtful before we wouldn’t have half the issues going on that’s for sure! Thanks for taking the time to read ☺
This is a great post. I think we would all rather be snowflakes than twats lol.
🙂 thanks for reading
Cookie Crumbs
I love this! I’ve been having alot of conversations with my mom lately on this very subject. I do believe that too many children, and more adults than should be acceptable, are growing up to believe they don’t have to earn what they want. My husband and I want to raise our daughter to understand the importance of working for what you want and truly earning it. We also cultivate her very strong personality and voice (even when it frustrates us ?) so that she always knows the importance of standing up for what she believes in. Great post, thanks for sharing. ❤
We try to make sure our children don’t get what they want just because they asked for it. I don’t want them to have a false sense of priviledge. She is strong willed and opnionated so we try to make sure she uses it well, defending those who need defending and shouting up when things are wrong or unfair. Unfortunately, to a 6 year old, there are a LOT of daily injustices! Thanks so much for reading 🙂
I wholeheartedly agree! Here’s to the SNOWFLAKES. We are all amazing and we can freeze out the opposition in no time.
I like your optimism, we could all do with more of that 🙂 thanks for reading.
Sharon M Parry
Hooray to this. And what a fantastic closing line! Classic! #fortheloveofBLOG
Lucy At Home
This is a FAB post! I have to admit, I’d not heard the term “snowflake” before, but I totally agree with your sentiments – caring about other people and being passionate enough about it to fight is something that should be encouraged and celebrated #blogcrush
Ah thanks for the lovely comment, to be fair it’s thrown about by those pompous middle aged Daily Mail readers in regard to those ‘leftie luvvies’. Urgh, it all makes me feel rather ill.