How to get your child into a good routine after going on holiday
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So you have just been on holiday with the kids, but now you have to worry about how you are going to get them into a good routine. This is easier said than done, but if you take your time and really work with your child then there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to get everything sorted out without any stress at all.
Start with Bedtime
We know that kids don’t seem to function too well when they aren’t getting enough sleep. If you have a lot of extra-curricular activities for them when they go back to school then they won’t be able to take part as much if they are constantly tired. If you want to try and prevent this then one thing that you can do is sit down and talk with them about what is going to happen when they do go back to school after a long holiday, and how important it is that they are well-rested. Of course, you might also want to try and limit any technology when it comes to bedtime as well, as this can help them to shut off. If your child is feeling blue after being on holiday because they don’t want to go back to school then it may be worth getting them to talk to someone who has an online masters school counseling qualification.
Waking them up
When your child has had enough sleep, they will then be able to wake up with plenty of time to get everything done. You need to work out how much time they take to get ready and then you need to add an extra 5 minutes to this. This will help them to be less stressed when the time does come for them to get ready and it will also help them to feel more confident when the time does come for them to start their school day as well. Of course, if you let them sleep in then this may ruin their routine so it’s a good idea for you to try and keep an eye on this, even if they do seem tired.
Give them Responsibility
It’s always good for your child to have a level of responsibility. By giving them a good amount of responsibility, you can easily help them to feel confident and you can also help to give them a routine as well. Of course, if you are finding it hard to get this done then start out small. For example, get them to make their own breakfast in the morning or even ask them to get their clothes out ready for school. This will help them to get into a good routine and it will also help you to give them a good idea of what they need to expect when they get up in the morning as well.
All in all, there are a ton of things that you can do to try and give your child the support they need in the morning, and this is a great way for you to really help them feel confident.
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