Gifts to help develop your child’s artistic side
The fact that education is hard work is beyond doubt. But the point is that any parent wants his or her child to be the best they can be in as many aspects of development as possible. And one way to achieve this is to help your child in the challenging but fascinating educational process.
The thought and planning that goes into the gifts you present you your child can be a core contributor here. Gifts are a great way to open up the unexplored boundaries of your child’s personality and mental abilities, and none more so than those that help to unleash the artistic side of you little ones.
Pencils and paints
Some gifts are timeless. As you child grows, you can replace those crayons with regular pencils, and finger paints with watercolour or gouache. Every child loves to draw, as they can create literally anything their imagination tells them to. Gifts like pencils or paints might seem a little ordinary, but they are guaranteed to be put to use, and are vitally important to give just the right inspiration to your child’s inner Leonardo da Vinci.
Modelling materials
Play dough is an excellent creative gift for your little one. However, there are other types of modelling material, for example, coloured kinetic sand that comes in different colours and has amazing properties. It behaves exactly like damp sand and perfectly holds its shape. Once you stretch it in your hands, it “flows” through your fingers and becomes loose and airy. Best of all, it is magnetised, so the grains will not be scattered all over the house.
Construction toys
There are a whole range of construction toys aimed at every age, and they all fire the imagination. These go beyond the likes of LEGO or Meccano – for example, some can be turned into wonderful crafts, such as bracelets that your child can make for the whole family!
Customised gifts
You can even get a little creative yourself in devising a creative gift. All you need is a large collection of photos, a printer and a good stock of ink. You can create wonderful posters with a personal touch, that tell your child all about the objects shown whether it is places in the world, musical instruments or perhaps something truly personal like the house where you yourself lived as a child.
Musical instruments
There is more to the world of art than pictures, modelling and drawing. If your child is obsessed with Disney cartoons and the latest songs, encourage that love of music and give it a chance to develop. How many of us grow up wishing we had learned to play the piano or guitar at a younger age? One thing is certain, it is much more difficult to pick up later in life, so the key is to give your child as many experiences as possible at a young age to find, and develop their own artistic skills.
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