Acceptable in the 80s…and now!
This is a collaboration – but who isn’t a fan of the 80s?
Ah, the 80s.
Leg warmers, big hair, bright colours, sequins, fringes – the list goes on, and makes me terribly nostalgic.
Thankfully, however, I’ve noticed a lot of fashion influencers have started paying homage to this wonderful period in time. And this has led to a revival of some of the most iconic accessories known to humans (and some that should have stayed firmly put in the 80s!).
Here are just some of them:
The perfect accompaniment to teased hair, headbands were a must-have in the 80s (just think Madonna and even Steven Tyler). And now, they’re starting to make a huge comeback, including some in the form of scarves.
Animal Prints
One thing’s for sure, 80s fashion wasn’t for the faint-hearted. It was all about standing out from the crowd and one of the best ways to do this was with every animal print imaginable. Zebras, cheetahs, leopards – you name it – these prints were everywhere, and if you’ve entered any high-street shops lately, you’ll note they’re all over the place once again. I must confess to owning more than one leopard print top…
For a real nod to the 80s, wear as many prints as possible.
Roller Skates
Do you remember the days of roller discos with your mates? Well, it turns out that donning your roller skates and flying around to 80s music is actually cool once again. Hurrah!
Bomber Jackets
What’s the first thing you thought of when you read ‘bomber jackets’?
Tom Cruise in Top Gun?
Yep, me too!
And now this effortlessly cool design has been readopted by a number of fashion designers, including Alexander Wang. Is it just entirely coincidental that Tom’s been filming the much-anticipated follow-up to Top Gun recently?
People all over the world loved their neon in the 80s, especially when teamed with fitness gear like leg-warmers, leotards and sweatbands.
Neon is now making a huge comeback – but not just in fitness wear. Now you’ll find it making up slinky dresses and other gorgeous ensembles for a bold, show-stopping look. But that’s not to say fitness wear is out of the window, as you’ve no doubt seen a number of celebs wearing cycling shorts that leave little to the imagination. A trend I think I’ll be leaving to the Kardashians.
Denim Jackets
If you’re a hoarder, you’re probably having a field day right now as everything you’ve kept from your younger years (those items the kids laughed at!) is now super on-trend and a fashion must-have.
Denim jackets are one of these things. Even though they’ve never really been completely out of fashion, they are really coming back into their own now. After all, they transfer easily from day to night – all you need are some additional patches on your denim to bring out your own unique style!
I’m sure you’ll agree this is an exciting time for fashion – especially if you remember original 80s fashion with fond memories.
Now, I for one am off to root around in the back of my wardrobe for those essential pieces I’m sure I didn’t throw out…
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