BeRo Chocolate Cake
Life,  Recipes

Baking with Kids – BeRo Chocolate Cake Recipe

Have you even done the school holidays properly if you haven’t done baking with kids?
No, is the answer.

I’ve mentioned before that the Bero rock buns are one of my favourite recipes to use with the kids as it’s simple enough and the end product is meant to look a mess.

Now both kids are a bit older, we have progressed to slightly more difficult recipes.
Don’t get me wrong, we aren’t quite to Great British Bake Off standards but we are partial to chocolate cake.

As with the rock buns we use the BeRo Chocolate Cake recipe, partly because it’s simple and partly because it’s the recipe my mum and I used to use when I was a child.
I would normally just stick the sponges together with buttercream and smother it all over the top, heck if we’re feeling really fancy we pop some cherry jam in too.

However, it’s the Easter holidays so we decided to make our chocolate cake into a nest!

Seasonal fun…

BeRo Chocolate Cake RecipeBeRo Cake Recipe

  • 200g Self raising flour
  • 225g Caster sugar
  • 25g sifted cocoa powder
  • 100g Margarine
  • 2 x eggs – medium
  • 75ml Evaporated milk (normal milk works fine)
  • 75ml Water
  • 1 x tsp Vanilla essence

BeRo Chocolate Cake MethodBeRo Chocolate Cake recipe

  • Pre-heat oven to 180°C/Gas Mark 4 and grease two 8 inch tins
  • Mix together the flour, sugar and cocoa
  • Rub in the marg
  • Beat the eggs with the milk
  • Stir the egg mixture, vanilla essence and water into the dry ingredients and mix well
  • Divide mixture between the tins and bake for 20-25 minutes

We tend to make a chocolate butter cream to sponge it together – roughly 100g of butter/margarine, 200g icing sugar and a tablespoon of cocoa.
I say roughly – I add icing sugar until the top stops sliding off the bottom.

So how do you make it an Easter Cake

I hear you cry?

Well you pop a nest on top of course.

We melted 200g of chocolate and stirred in 6 crushed Shredded Wheat then piled it on top of the chocolate cake in a nest like fashion (don’t judge us – we used our hands) then filled it with chocolate eggs.

The kids love making (and eating) this chocolate cake and everyone was well impressed with their decoration!

I would definitely recommend the BeRo Recipe book as there’s loads of simple cakes and biscuit recipes to do with the kids. We have adapted the cookie recipe to create these amazingly chewy and chocolatey cookies. 

If you fancy something a little more decadent, try my cherry chocolate pavlova or one of my other recipes?


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