Summertime, and the livin’ is easy….Unless you’re a parent.
For clarification, when I use the term ‘Summer’ in this post I mean it in the real summer sense, not the British sense! The back end of last week saw the temperature SOAR. It was 25 degrees at one point…
Weekly Winedown #6 – Something a little different…
edit: Every Friday I do a tongue in cheek wine review. This weeks took a different turn, I didn’t realise it would until I’d written it but that’s why it starts with the usual Friday layout. Welcome to the Weekly…
Choosing A Preschool
You may recall a couple of weeks ago I told you about Seth going for his preschool open day. It was a day of mixed emotions as my ‘baby’ is growing into a ‘big boy’. The only benefit I can…
8 signs you’re not a first time parent.
Recently a few of my friends have birthed babies. Some for the first time and some for the second. Watching them both has made me realised how much we do it differently the second time around.
Weekly Winedown #5 – Frontera Carmenere
Welcome to the Weekly Winedown. Each week I selflessly drink wine for you offer a review. Please don’t expect anything professional, I consume a lot of wine but I’m no pro. The only real ‘rule’ I’m putting in place is…
A little bit of history repeating.
Firstly I’d like to start by saying SORRY MUM. When I was younger I idolised my parents, they were the most fantastic people in the whole wide world. The people I looked up to most.