• Life

    These are a few of my favourite things.

    I’m not a stylish person. I’m not a trend setter. I’m not *quite* a frumpy mum and I don’t profess to be an expert in anything. BUT I like what I know and I know what I like (though this…

  • Family Holiday in France
    Day Trips & Travel,  Life

    Holidays with a family.

    We’ve just booked our Easter holidays. HUZZAH! We have rented a villa in the South of France….Again! I can’t wait. I always said I’d never be the person who goes on holiday to the same place. Well guess what? I…

  • Parenting

    Weird stuff my kids do

    Sometimes I sit and I think. I remember the days before children, my shallow, empty existence with a tidy house, organised life, variety of conversation topics and nights out in abundance. Then I look at my babies, sitting there, looking…

  • Parenting

    You’ll never walk alone (with a toddler)

    One of the THE most stressful part of my day is the walk home from school. It’s not far, a mile, it’s a slight incline all the way and it’s like being dragged about by a herd of rampaging wildebeest! It…

  • Parenting

    What kind of Mum are you?

    As a blogging sort I spend a lot of time procrastinating writing. With deadlines looming there’s absolutely only one thing to do – a quick ‘Which DC character are you?’ quiz (Batman of course).