Children-The Strongest blizzards start with a single snowflake.
More and more recently I’ve noticed the term ‘snowflake’ being bandied around in a derogatory manner, generally by puffy chested, brash, middle class, middle aged alpha male types with an over inflated sense of ‘self’.
Valentine’s Day – Love is….
[social_warfare]Valentine’s Day is almost upon us. The day where we remember Saint Valentine, the patron saint of hearts, chocolates, roses and cards…Oh, wait…
The Bedtime Tag
I have been tagged in the Bedtime Tag! Thanks to Grumpy Mummy for that. (I may have thought there was a prize of more sleep – not the case) Anywhooooo, here we go…
All about me.
The On This Day function on Facebook is one that entertains me no end. My statuses (stati?) pre children are a joyous mix of alcohol, partying, drama and ennui. The post children ones, a mix of delight, awe, sleep deprivation,…
These are a few of my favourite things.
I’m not a stylish person. I’m not a trend setter. I’m not *quite* a frumpy mum and I don’t profess to be an expert in anything. BUT I like what I know and I know what I like (though this…
Is the grass always greener on the other side?
My name is Anna and I have work envy. Recently a friend of mine has returned to work after maternity leave and I am positively jealous. Not only did she get a new hair do and wardrobe but she looked…I…