Weekly Winedown #8 Deakin Estate Shiraz.
Welcome to the Weekly Winedown. Each week I selflessly drink wine for you offer a review.
Please don’t expect anything professional, I consume a lot of wine but I’m no pro.
The only real ‘rule’ I’m putting in place is that the wine is to be under £8 a bottle. #keepitclassy.
I fear I may have cheated again, sorry.
This weeks wine should have been £11.99 a bottle BUT I got 50% off so it was £5.99 for you mathsphobes out there.
I did this before, I still can’t decide if I’m breaking my own rules but there we go.
What’s done is done and I’ll drink it anyway!
Today we’re going for a little Antipodean. No, I’ve not got Kylie coming for tea, but I’ve chosen a Deakin Estate Shiraz.
The Blurb
“This is distinctly Shiraz, with layers of plum, raspberry and chocolate; and there’s a complex spiciness to give it a fine, savoury appeal. This wine is great with Moroccan or Australian lamb.”
I am not too fussed either way for Australian wine, I’ve never found one that blows my mind but I don’t recall being massively offended by one either so that’s always good.
The label is also pretty lame, I see what it’s trying to do, be minimal and classy but it looks more like a candle label.
This is all a bit deja vu isn’t it?
If you’re a regular reader you’ll remember I had these issues last time I ventured to this neck of the woods, wineophorically speaking.
I did end up with a pleasant surprise so I’m still holding out hope.
The wine is distinctly Shiraz. What does that even mean? It’s a most unhelpful description in my opinion. If you know nothing about wine and Google ‘Shiraz’ you discover it’s a city in Iran.
Is the suggestion that this Aussie wine is distinctly Iranian? That makes no sense!
Let’s crack on.
Oh. My. Word.
This wine is immense. It is most definitely plummy and chocolatey. I’m learning to love the term ‘spiciness’ in a blurb, it seems to stand for ‘lovely’. It’s a really, REALLY smooth wine, totally drinkable.
Warming on the old cockles and tasty too.
I’ve always been a bit ‘what’s the point in a more expensive wine?’ (yes £11.99 is expensive in my world) but this. THIS is the point in expensive wine. If I were rich I would drink this daily. Maybe even bathe in it.
I’m still not a fan of the label though, more effort needed and distinctly Shiraz still isn’t good enough a description. Even ‘try it and like it’ would be better than that.
This is a fantastic wine to take to dinner at the house of people you really like (assuming they will share) or to give as a gift (49 sleeps until my birthday. Just putting it out there).
I’ll definitely get this again (at half price) and I may even try another Australian soon!
Price – £5.99 (£11.99 full price)
Colour – Red like hearts and love
Smell – Corky and cocoa-y
Taste – Like angels dancing in my face.
Overall score – 5/5 Yes, I’m giving it a perfect score.
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