The longhaul destinations you need to see in your lifetime!
When it comes to holidays we can all be a little guilty of sticking with our usual European or not so long haul destinations, am I right? Perhaps citing long haul as too expensive, or perhaps feeling like you don’t…
The great smart casual debate!
Picture the scene – an invitation arrives on your doormat. It’s for a party (we don’t get invited to parties much these days, do we?) the dress code is “smart casual”
Opi Malbec – Weekly Winedown #46
I’m really taking the Weekly out of these winedowns at the moment aren’t I? I think I need to change it from a Friday. And maybe from an evening.
Wally the Washer – review & giveaway!
I’ve mentioned before how, as a family, we are fans of table top games. Now both children are at school and the weather is turning colder, we find ourselves re-grouping via the medium of lighthearted competition once again!
Essentials For Your Next Caravan Holiday
When you hear the word holiday, it’s usually followed by wishful thoughts of tropical islands, which swiftly come to a halt when you think of the price tag.
Woman flaunts shocking opinion (blogger writes blog post)
I’m not a big fan of the media, or more pertinently the media’s treatment of women. I used to be – I used to love magazines and tabloids like Jackie, Just 17 and More, you know the sorts. The ones…