Baking with Kids – BeRo Chocolate Cake Recipe
Have you even done the school holidays properly if you haven’t done baking with kids? No, is the answer.
5 Ways My Children Take After Me (and I wish they didn’t)
I don’t know how it goes in your world but here I’m always hearing how my children are ‘Just Like Daddy’ They’re good at maths ‘Just Like Daddy’ If they look at a calculator they’ll be accountants ‘Just Like Daddy’…
Being Forty is Fabulous – Comparatively Speaking
I must admit, that turning 40 did lead to a certain amount of maudlin and feeling sorry for myself at times (seriously, not one night of birthday drinks? Totally bitter). A mourning, if you will, for my long-lost youth.
6 Ways To Make Your Freelance Business More Professional
This is a collaborative post Running your own freelance business is an incredibly exciting journey to take, but also one of the most stressful.
All By Myself – loneliness
This is post is written as a collaboration. One of my biggest fears, aside from slugs, is being lonely. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE an hour to myself here and there, I just don’t like feeling lonely.
Acceptable in the 80s…and now!
This is a collaboration – but who isn’t a fan of the 80s? Ah, the 80s. Leg warmers, big hair, bright colours, sequins, fringes – the list goes on, and makes me terribly nostalgic.