Happy Valentine’s… to me.
Just last year I wrote about how we don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day, whilst I stand by all the reasons we choose not to celebrate I have a confession to make.
Ain’t no party like a Baking Mad party – review
‘They’ say that the three most stressful situations in life are: The death of a loved one. Divorce. Moving house. ‘They’ are clearly childless and haven’t had to organise a child’s birthday party!
#smearforsmear 2018 – the one invitation you shouldn’t turn down!
This week is Cervical Cancer Prevention week, 75% of cervical cancers can be prevented by a smear test yet many women are choosing not to attend their screening. Jo’s Trust have created the #smearforsmear campaign to raise awareness and encourage…
Weekly Winedown #30 Chateau Corbonac Corbieres
Welcome to the Weekly Winedown. Each week I selflessly drink wine for you and offer a review. Please don’t expect anything professional, I consume a lot of wine but I’m no pro. The only real ‘rule’ I’m putting in place…
If you can’t be kind, be offline.
As a blogger I spend a lot of time in the internet, most specifically social media. A lot of time is spent moving in the same virtual circles as other bloggers.
Just a minute – Stop growing so fast.
I look at Aoife and I am shocked at how grown up she has become. Not just physically but in her attitude too. How have I missed it happening right in front of me?