Annie Bee’s Colouring Sheets for Parents – Instasham
Welcome to Annie Bee’s Colouring Sheets for Parents!
Here I create wonderful little pictures that you can download, print off, colour in and stick on your fridge.
It’ll make a refreshing change to the weird abstract that came home from pre-school last week!
Colouring Printables
I’ve not done a colouring sheet for you for AGES because, y’know, life.
I should imagine that every single one of us is guilty of using a filter or two on social media at times. I mean, a touch of Clarendon makes EVERYONE look better amiright?
It makes sense, no one really wants to display the worst of life. We all want to look like we’ve got our shit together and are coping like bosses. It’s how we function out in the real world so it makes sense it’s how we treat our online life.
Many of us would readily admit what we choose to share is a snapshot, a brief moment in a day and maybe with a little filter added.
But we all have that one friend on our timeline. The one who tries to pass off every single ‘candid’ picture as #nofilter or #wokeuplikethis. In reality their beauty filter is set so high you can’t see where their face ends and their neck begins or whether they actually have a nose. They’re starting to look a little like Voldemort.
There’s nothing wrong with using a filter at all, if a filter makes you feel happier about that picture then knock yourself out but please, don’t think we believe it’s au naturel.
We believe that about as much as we believe you actually have puppy ears and hearts flying around your face.
And on that note, I present to you Instasham – your latest colouring sheet.
Print it off, colour it in and stick it on Instagram, or the kitchen cupboard – whichever.
Instasham – Printable Colouring Sheet
Don’t forget to check out my other colouring sheets beaches, Oranges and Bedtime – hours of fun!